About Us

The Athens Chamber of Tradesmen has been functioning as a legal entity of public law with a 51 member council elected every four years by its companies-members and a 9 member management committee. It was founded in 1925 and it is the Chamber with the largest number of members in Greece. Its registries comprise more than 150.000 active members in the commerce and services sector.

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The Athens Chamber of Tradesmen has acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the Greek business environment.

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The Athens Chamber of Tradesmen is a part of the Greek Chambers’ network that is member of Euro Chambers.

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European Projects

The Athens Chamber of Tradesmen utilizes National and European programs to fund actions supporting for its member – businesses.

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Ψηφιακός Βοηθός Ε.Ε.Α.
Έναρξη συνομιλίας